Sunday, January 15, 2017

Week 3: RISE and MOVE

Hi All!

I hope your journals are filling up with great things all about YOU!  I hope you have some goals set up for 2017 and that your Word List is full of great positivity for you to pull from throughout the year!

It's time for your third task of the month!  If you need a reminder...
  • your first task was to get a journal, 
  • your second was to start getting acquainting with who you are and what you want,
  • and this third's time to make your body do what it was meant to do: 

RISE and MOVE!!!! 

Don't panic!  I'm not going to force you to exercise!!!  Or am I?  Ok, maybe I am!  ha!  Just a little. Fitness is my other passion.  I love art and crafts, planners/journals/stationery.  I am also a fitness and healthy eating guru (not that I always get it right, but well, that's another post for another day).

This week:
  • We will RISE above our current fitness level (we are all different and are all at different levels, we don't need to compete with anyone but ourselves).  
  • We will RISE above our excuses
  • We will RISE above what is holding us back
  • We will RISE above our own expectations
  • We will RISE and MOVE as our bodies were intended to do
*Disclaimer:  I am not a Doctor, nor do I play one on the internet.  Please do not participate in this week's task if you have mobility and/or medical issues.  Please ask your doctor for exercises that may be appropriate for you to do.  

Benefits of exercising for just 30 minutes a day:
  • Improves Mood (Hello Happy!)
  • Fosters Creativity (For all your journal work)
  • Lowers your risk of chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke (Great!)
  • Keeps you regular (TMI?)
  • Weight Loss (What a perk!)

Let's get down to the nitty gritty of this week's task. 

 Just follow these few steps:

1.  Set small achievable goals (in writing)

2.  Keep a log in your journal/Chart your progress

                                  3.  Journal about your thoughts and results

Setting Goals:  
Don't:  Aim to run a 5K if the only exercise you get is moving from your couch to the fridge and back!  We don't want to get hurt.  Do:  I am going to get up and dance to one song every day this week.  Next week, I will dance to two songs, etc, etc.

Keeping a Log:
Can be as simple as a little weekly or monthly calendar drawn in your journal (or glued in) and you just write in your mileage.  If you walked a mile, write in "1".  Maybe you have a Fitbit?  Log in your steps for the day.

Do you hate it?  Are you enjoying it?  Does it effect your mood?  Maybe you'd like to try for more dancing?  Start a list of some songs to dance to.
That's it!!  Painless right?  Now, I know what you're  I can't dance.  This is just one example, you don't have to dance.  You can come up with something else entirely.  But, dancing is fun and quick and an excellent start for someone who isn't moving at all.  If you are already moving, you'll have to come up with something a little harder.  Maybe YOU need to run that 5K I mentioned!

There is a very popular Couch to 5K Challenge...More info HERE.  (Personally, I can't run so I know that for me this won't work.  Please know your limits, I don't want anyone getting hurt by trying this week's task!!)

The main idea is to just move, or move MORE, depending on your current activity level.

Exercising our bodies releases feel good Endorphins. So basically, it makes us happy!  And that's what we're looking for, HAPPINESS!  If you're in a funk, exercise can help.  You can read more about it HERE.  

If your activity level really can't get any higher...well first, virtual high five, and second, Your task for this week will be to set specific goals and do some tracking.  Maybe it's just writing down what your current max squat weight is, or maybe it's a new race you want to train for.  Not only can you set that goal, but you can track it in your journal!  Track your progress (time and distance) or you can set up a race day countdown.  (Journals aren't just for Dear Diary type writing.  Trackers are fun and I do them all the time.)


The best resource for at home exercising:  YOUTUBE.  No joke.  You can find just about any workout you can think of! 
If you're old school, here are some DVD's on Amazon:

Note:  If you make a purchase from Amazon through one of my links, I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.  (No purchase is ever required, but I would TOTALLY appreciate the support!)

Leslie Sansone - Walk it Off in 30 Days


Cize by BeachBody

PiYo by Beachbody

Jillian Michaels - Body Revolution

If you are interested in a Fitbit, check them out here:

NEW Fitbit Charge 2
Fitbit Blaze
Fitbit Flex
Fitbit Alta

Set your goals, RISE and MOVE your body, get those feel good endorphins flowing and meet me at The HOTI Club!  Have a great week!  Can't wait to hear about all the moving you did and all the progress you make this year.  I'm always available if you need some additional information or have any questions.  Just ask, don't be shy.

Talk soon,

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