Sunday, January 22, 2017

Rise Above the Clutter and Chaos

If you are like me, you have a lot of stuff.  I am currently drowning in stuff, some by choice others not. We must make the conscious decision to let go of needless belongings to set ourselves free.  We will be much happier with less stuff to clean too!

This week's task is about rising above all the clutter and chaos of our belongings. 

Purging my friends.  Let's talk about purging.

While researching how to get my life all perfect and put together, I stumbled upon a gem of a YouTube Channel! This soft spoken woman popped up telling me to Get My Shit Together!  (You can find her HERE.)  I was like, YES, I do need to get my shit together!!  I watched this video How To Save Money and got inspired to write this post.

Her website is  where you can find her 7 step process on how you too, can get your shit together!  (And a whole lot of other very useful information)  Check her out, she's adorable, well spoken, and her voice is mesmerizing.  I might play her videos while I sleep.  But, don't tell her that!  (She might think it's creepy.)

She has a whole YouTube Series on decluttering!  Check out those videos HERE.  She references a book:  The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo which, of course, I immediately purchased on Amazon.  I NEEDED it!  Don't judge me.

I just started reading it, so I won't be summarizing or writing any kind of review.  But, what I will say is that so far, the most important part is purging.  Even when you watch those hoarding shows, what's the first thing they do?  PURGE!  Throw it away!  You shouldn't have bought it in the first place!  Look at all the money you wasted!!!  Aaaaaarrrrgh.

Ok, we're going to stop right here for a quick chat.
Let's talk about all the negative thoughts and feelings that will come up when we start to purge:
  • It will feel like a waste  
  • Money down the drain. 
  • What if I need that one day?  (I'll be asking myself this one a lot). 
The biggest take away from this week's task is not just the act of throwing your belongings away. The task of keeping what's important and getting rid of what's not is the big takeaway.  Also, the psychological effects of lifting the burden of "things" off our shoulders is well worth the "money you wasted".  Consider this a life lesson and don't make the same mistake again.  In fact, I highly suggest you journal about your feelings as you purge.

Keep it real:  if you throw away 25 pens, then you should stop buying pens.

Note:  You don't have to literally "throw it away", donate, gift, sell; do whatever works for you.

There are tons of decluttering and/or organizing challenges out there you can join.  I printed one last year, added it to my planner.  I'm pretty sure it's still sitting there, waiting for me.  If you're into it though, check it out here! January's Decluttering Missions by Home Storage Solutions 101.  Printables, Facebook Group, name it!  Highly recommended!

Some other great ones:

Erin at A Welder's Wife has a great 2017 Declutter Challenge with free printables!  New and Improved, without any pressure of "Daily Tasks".  You get to work as your schedule allows while completing 6 - 8 tasks per week.  (If the Daily 15 minute missions are too much pressure for you, this one might be more your speed.)

30 Days of Decluttering by Kaylie at Life As You Live It has a simple, yet effective 30 Day Challenge with a printable.  I like how she included emails, pictures on your phone and donating extra pens!!  There goes those pens know you have too many.

30 Day Decluttering Challenge Printable by Keri at She Saved sets it up The KonMari Method way with a printable for you to add to your journal and check off as you go.

Good luck!  We're all going to need it!

Talk soon,

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